I'm not racist, because I do not breed, I am simply a mixture ofpeople. I am Brazilian. But above all I am ultra-Zionist. I'm ultra-Zionist, because I believe in the Bible, I believe in Yahweh and only supreme God of the universe. God chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that God chose the Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, Israelisand the children of promise a unique and special. I would like tobe Jewish, since Jesus was Jewish. Jesus himself (my Lord) said that salvation is from the Jews. I want to talk to Jews around the world who value their race, their election and their nationIsrael. Today I would be able to fight for Israel against any nation, and even against my own country. The vocation of the Jews and Israel is unique in history. The more enemies: Great! Thus will be fulfilled the Scripture about the battle of Armageddon, the battle of the sons of light against the children of s darkness. Jews around the world. You do not know the value you have!!

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