segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011


Nesta série de dois vídeos Juanribe Pagliarin dá uma palestra às margens do Mar Morto, explicando pela Bíblia o fenômeno dos Bolaines, que estão surgindo às centenas, às margens do Mar Morto. Uma profecia do Livro de Ezequiel fala que Javé iria curar as águas do Mar Morto, que elas deixariam de ser salgadas para serem doces. Estamos assistindo o cumprimento da Palavra de Deus (Texto do Escriba: Valdemir Mota de Menezes- audio em português)

In this series of two videos Juanribe Pagliarin gives a lecture on the shores of the Dead Sea, the Bible explains the phenomenon of Bolain that are emerging in the hundreds, on the shores of the Dead Sea. A prophecy from Ezekiel says that the YAHVEH would heal the waters of the Dead Sea, they would no longer be salted to be sweet. We are witnessing the fulfillment of God's Word (Text of the Scribe: Valdemir Mota de Menezes-audio in Portuguese)

quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011


Yaacov Handali é um sobrevivente do Holocausto Judeu na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Nesta série de cinco vídeos ele conversa com jovens, contando a experiências dos judeus gregos na época do nazismo alemão na Europa. Relato dramático sobre o sofrimento dos descendentes de Abraão, quando Satanás levantou-se contra os judeus, usando os nazistas. (Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes)


Jacob Handal es un sobreviviente del Holocausto judío en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En esta serie de cinco videos que habla con los jóvenes, contando las experiencias de los Judios griegos en la época de la Alemania nazi en Europa. Dramático relato de los sufrimientos de los descendientes de Abraham, cuando Satanás se levantó contra los Judios, con los nazis. (Escriba Valdemir Mota Menezes)




quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011


For Valdemir Mota de Menezes

I'm not racist, because I do not breed, I am simply a mixture ofpeople. I am Brazilian. But above all I am ultra-Zionist. I'm ultra-Zionist, because I believe in the Bible, I believe in Yahweh and only supreme God of the universe. God chose Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that God chose the Hebrews, Israelites, Jews, Israelisand the children of promise a unique and special. I would like tobe Jewish, since Jesus was Jewish. Jesus himself (my Lord) said that salvation is from the Jews. I want to talk to Jews around the world who value their race, their election and their nationIsrael. Today I would be able to fight for Israel against any nation, and even against my own country. The vocation of the Jews and Israel is unique in history. The more enemies: Great! Thus will be fulfilled the Scripture about the battle of Armageddon, the battle of the sons of light against the children of s darkness. Jews around the world. You do not know the value you have!!


Por Valdemir Mota de Menezes

Não sou racista, até porque não tenho raça definida, sou simplesmente uma mistura de povos. Sou brasileiro. Mas acima de tudo sou ultra-sionista. Sou ultra-sionista, porque creio na Bíblia, creio em YHVH Deus supremo e único do universo. Deus que escolheu Abraão, Isaque e Jacó. Deus que escolheu os hebreus, os israelitas, os judeus, os israelenses como os filhos de uma promessa única e especial. Gostaria de ser judeu, como Jesus era judeu. O próprio Jesus (meu Senhor) disse que a salvação vem dos Judeus. Gostaria de falar para os judeus do mundo inteiro que valorizem a sua raça, a sua eleição e a sua nação Israel. Hoje eu seria capaz de lutar por Israel contra qualquer nação e até mesmo contra o meu próprio país. A vocação dos judeus e de Israel é única na história. Quanto mais inimigos: Ótimo! Assim se cumprirá as Escrituras sobre a batalha do Armaguedom, a batalha dos filhos da luz contra os filhos da s trevas. Judeus do mundo inteiro. Vocês não sabem o valor que vocês têm!!!!

Cada folha desta árvore de betão representa um judeu morto num campo de concentraçao. A fotografia foi tirada em Praga em 2004.


The enemies of Israel has consistently attacked the Israeli government by making false accusations against the system of Jewish settlements on disputed lands that Israel has the legitimate domain. (scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)

quarta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2011


Cristiano debe apoyar a Israel
Los medios de comunicación dan poca atención a los ataques terroristas de los palestinos contra Israel. Pero cuando Israel responde a los ataques, los países malvados como Brasil,  apoyan a la causa palestina ytomán partido contra los israelenses.
  "Así ha dicho Jahveh de los ejércitos: En aquellos días, que se llevará a diez hombres de todas las lenguas de las naciones, a seguir, sí, en el borde del vestido de un Judio, diciendo: Vamos a estar con ustedes, porque hemos oído que Dios está con vosotros

(Zacarías 8:23)

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011


(Text of the scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes) The Jews are still scorned in their own land. In this video, young Jews do not want to be filmed, but people do not respect the right image and continue shooting, even with appeals, and ranting by the pair of Zion respect the Jews is a sign of reverence to the God Yahweh. There will be day to be friends with a Jew will be privileged, prophecy as follows: Zechariah 8.23 This is what the YAHVEH Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’”

sexta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2011


No puede hallarse en la Historia otro crimen tan atroz ni tan fríamente calculado como el que aniquiló a millones de seres humanos en los campos de concentración nazis. Reducidos al estado animal, sometidos a la más espantosa degradación moral y física, hombres, mujeres y niños fueron salvajemente torturados y arrastrados a las cámaras de gas por el solo hecho de pertenecer a una raza considerada inferior o de sostener creencias religiosas o políticas antagónicas a las de la «raza de los señores». Hitler fue el origen de este furioso torbellino de la muerte. Pero Hitler no estaba solo. Parte de un pueblo fanatizado por la propaganda, educado en el desprecio hacia el hombre no ario, le ayudó a borrar de la faz de la tierra a sus pretendidos «enemigos». (Por Escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes)


         Enviado por em 26/12/2011
Esta serie de seis videos es un documental sobre la persecución de los Judios, que culminó en la masacre de la historia conocida como el Holocausto judío. Todo el mundo debería ver documentales como estos los que nos sentimos avergonzados de ser humanos. (Escriba Valdemir Mota Menezes)

sexta-feira, 12 de agosto de 2011


Este é um fantástico depoimento do Mosab Hassan Yousef, filho do fundador do Hamas. Ele era um fanático muçulmano que pertencia a este grupo terrorista palestino chamado HAMAS. Mosab em entrevista, nestes três videos, fala para a Televisão Brasileira, Rede Globo, como ele deixou de ser terrorista e passou a trabalhar para Israel e finalmente, ele se converteu ao cristianismo. Mosab prega o amor em Cristo que pode libertar judeus e muçulmanos do ódio milenar.

Ceci est un témoignage fantastique du Mosab Hassan Yousef, fils du fondateur du Hamas. Il était un musulman fanatique qui appartenaient à ce groupe terroriste palestinien Hamas a appelé. Mosab dans une interview, ces trois vidéos, parle à la télévision brésilienne, Rede Globo, comme il a cessé d'être un terroriste, et est allé travailler pour Israël et, finalement, il s'est converti au christianisme. Mosab prêche l'amour dans le Christ que peut donner la paix aux Juifs et aux Musulmans qui souffrent de la haine ancestrale .. (Par scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)

This is a fantastic testimony of Mosab Hassan Yousef, son of the founder of Hamas. He was a fanatic Muslim who belonged to this Palestinian terrorist group called Hamas. Mosab in an interview, these three videos, talks to the Brazilian Television, Rede Globo, as he ceased to be a terrorist, and went to work for Israel, and finally, he converted to Christianity. Mosab preaches love in Christ that can give peace to Jews and Muslims who suffer from age-old hatred .. (By scribe Valdemir Mota de Menezes)



by former Israeli Shin-Bet agent,
Gonen ben Itzhak

Mosab Hassan Yousef worked as an Israeli agent for about ten years. When I met him, he was a young and wild Palestinian. Over the years, I watched him become one of the most important players in the bloody intelligence game in the West Bank.

Mosab was never a yes-man. He had strong beliefs and character, and he never made any attempt to flatter anyone.

Last week, I read an article by one, Walid Shoebat, who claims to have been a PLO terrorist who bombed Bank Leumi in Bethlehem. Yet, I never heard his name before, never saw his name in any Israeli intelligence files, and there is no record of any such attack.

I found it strange that, while his brothers and sisters are being slaughtered in Syria, Libya, Egypt, and Yemen, Mr. Shoebat’s biggest concern seems to be a year-old television interview. He claims to be a great supporter of Israel, but where was he and what was he doing during the Second Intifada? While Mosab was risking his life day and night, Mr. Shoebat was busy collecting donations with his 800 number.

Mosab Hassan Yousef does not need to prove anything. He has proved it a thousand times over by fighting terror and paying an unreasonably high personal price for his convictions.

As part of my job as an Israeli Shin-Bet agent, I visited many times the Masqubiyeh Prison. Reading Mr. Shoebat’s description of the place, I can only say, Mr. Shoebat, you know nothing of the Masqubiyeh!

Mr. Shoebat is playing a dirty game. As a native Arab speaker, he knows that Arabic is much more than spoken words. In order to understand the meaning of a statement, one must also understand the Arab mentality and culture and the social and political realities.

Mosab’s goal was never to recruit people for the Israeli Shin-Bet. His goal is to build bridges, to help his Palestinian brothers see the truth and understand the meaninglessness and futility of violence. I know this, because we talk about it together almost every single day. How many times have you spoken with Mosab, Mr. Shoebat? Or do you think you know a man’s thoughts and the motives of his heart by listening to a television interview?

Mosab helped Israel more than anyone can believe. This is why the Israeli Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee wrote him a letter of gratitude, perhaps the first of its kind in Israeli history. But somehow Walid Shoebat knows something Israeli officials missed? He knows something members of the U.S. Congress missed? He is smarter than the former director of the CIA, smarter than Jewish leaders in the United States?

I am a trained intelligence officer, with degrees in business, law, and psychology and have extensive experience in the world of lies and deception. I can smell a fraud and recognize a fake hero on the spot. During his service, Mosab never lied to us, and believe me, we had all the tools and the means to find out. Unlike Walid Shoebat, Mosab did not commit fictitious crimes against Israel. And unlike Mr. Shoebat, Mosab served hard time in prison and paid for what he did.

Yes, sometimes he criticizes Israel, like any Israeli, like me. He is no blind follower. He is an intelligent, thoughtful man of conviction and integrity. Mosab Hassan Yousef was a member of a team that risked their lives for Israel, and as such, he earned the right to think independently, criticize the things he believes to be wrong, and support what he believes to right. That is what it means to love Israel, not making speeches and soliciting donations.

Mosab loves the USA but dreams about going back to Israel. I look forward to the moment he will return. My house will also be his, because he is part of our proud family, part of Israel.

quarta-feira, 6 de julho de 2011


Este documentário me deixou emocionado, cheguei a ficar arrepiado e lágrimas escorreram do meu rosto. Glorifiquei a Jahveh pelo que ele fez por Israel. Apesar de Deus está salvando os gentios, Ele jamais esqueceu dos judeus. O próprio Jesus afirmou que a salvação vem dos judeus. Oremos por Israel, a nação eleita, o povo escolhido!!! Shalom Yerushalen!! (Por: escriba Valdemir Mota de Menezes)





quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2011


Hello, ladies and gentlemen,
Reflecting on the questioning of Professor Wesley below:

"We can conclude that all revolutionary processes are triggered by intellectuals? Or the people have awareness of their condition? Do movements in both an act directed not see? "

1 - Not always the mentor is the ideology of a charismatic leader who draws crowds to its ideals. The French nobility were partly responsible for the French revolutionary process, but other social groups with other interests have joined to make this a turning point in French politics. Karl Marx developed the ideology, but were other charismatic leaders who put their ideas into practice (absurd). Mohammed was not someone who can say that it was an intellectual, but also triggered a revolution in Arab tribes and affected the civil and religious thought in the Middle East today.

2 - The people or the masses are very suggestible, easily seduced by opinion leaders. Poor people in general think the stomach and the nobles for the pleasure of luxury and power. But make no mistake, they know where the callus presses ... The French Revolution occurred because of poor diet diminished and shrank the privileges of the nobles. The error of the French King Louis XVI who wound up for the revolution, was the same mistake made by King Rehoboam of Israel, soon after Solomon's death, but this has built a rich state, but at the expense of efforts of all classes . Rehoboam his son did not realize it was time to loosen the reins and instead wanted to push further, the people asked for reduction of fees and taxes, as the king did not accept there was a revolt and the Jewish State lost 10 of the twelve tribes formed a new state under the command of King Jeroboam. (I Kings 12:3-11).

3 - The third question of Professor Wesley, I see no relationship between the two revolutions. The English industrial revolution did not leave the poor but for entrepreneurs who have come to command the production of goods. The poor in general was transferred from rural to urban areas and their living conditions have improved facilities that were due to industrial production provided.

segunda-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2011


Rimane alta la tensione a Gerusalemme e dintorni a causa dei nuovi e ripetuti scontri tra israeliani e palestinesi.
Fonte: Reuters

quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2011



Israel tiene un pacto con Javeh y debe haber santificado el sábado en recuerdo de Dios y los hombres deben adorarlo. Que el malvado y depravado dejen a Israel!

Added On January 15, 2011
Los religiosos ultra ortodoxos obligan el cierre del mercado central de verduras y frutas. Informe de CNN, José Levy (15 de enero)


These antisemitic bastards are demons disguised as an angel of light. Damn you people and all nations to stand against ELECTED NATION OF YAHWEH!!

A report into last year's raid on a Gaza aid flotilla says the actions of Israeli commandos were legal.

segunda-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2011


The Yom Kippur War

By Mitchell Bard

In 1971, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat raised the possibility of signing an agreement with Israel, provided that all the occupied territories were returned by the Israelis. No progress toward peace was made, however, so, the following year, Sadat said war was inevitable and he was prepared to sacrifice one million soldiers in the showdown with Israel. His threat did not materialize that year.

Throughout 1972, and for much of 1973, Sadat threatened war unless the United States forced Israel to accept his interpretation of Resolution 242-total Israeli withdrawal from territories taken in 1967.

Simultaneously, the Egyptian leader carried on a diplomatic offensive among European and African states to win support for his cause. He appealed to the Soviets to bring pressure on the United States and to provide Egypt with more offensive weapons to cross the Suez Canal. The Soviet Union was more interested in maintaining the appearance of detente with the United States than in confrontation in the Middle East; therefore, it rejected Sadat's demands. Sadat's response was to abruptly expel approximately 20,000 Soviet advisers from Egypt.

In an April 1973 interview, Sadat again warned he would renew the war. But it was the same threat he had made in 1971 and 1972, and most observers remained skeptical.
The War Begins

On October 6, 1973 — Yom Kippur, the holiest day in the Jewish calendar — Egypt and Syria opened a coordinated surprise attack against Israel. The equivalent of the total forces of NATO in Europe were mobilized on Israel's borders. On the Golan Heights, approximately 180 Israeli tanks faced an onslaught of 1,400 Syrian tanks. Along the Suez Canal, 436 Israeli defenders were attacked by 80,000 Egyptians.

At least nine Arab states, including four non-Middle Eastern nations, actively aided the Egyptian-Syrian war effort.

A few months before the Yom Kippur War, Iraq transferred a squadron of Hunter jets to Egypt. During the war, an Iraqi division of some 18,000 men and several hundred tanks was deployed in the central Golan and participated in the October 16 attack against Israeli positions. Iraqi MiGs began operating over the Golan Heights as early as October 8, the third day of the war.

Besides serving as financial underwriters, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait committed men to battle. A Saudi brigade of approximately 3,000 troops was dispatched to Syria, where it participated in fighting along the approaches to Damascus. Also, violating Paris's ban on the transfer of French-made weapons, Libya sent Mirage fighters to Egypt (from 1971-­1973, President Muammar Qaddafi gave Cairo more than $1 billion in aid to rearm Egypt and to pay the Soviets for weapons delivered).

Other North African countries responded to Arab and Soviet calls to aid the front­line states. Algeria sent three aircraft squadrons of fighters and bombers, an armored brigade and 150 tanks. Approximately 1,000-2,000 Tunisian soldiers were positioned in the Nile Delta. Sudan stationed 3,500 troops in southern Egypt, and Morocco sent three brigades to the front lines, including 2,500 men to Syria.

Lebanese radar units were used by Syrian air defense forces. Lebanon also allowed Palestinian terrorists to shell Israeli civilian settlements from its territory. Palestinians fought on the Southern Front with the Egyptians and Kuwaitis.

The least enthusiastic participant in the October fighting was probably Jordan's King Hussein, who apparently had been kept uninformed of Egyptian and Syrian war plans. But Hussein did send two of his best units — the 40th and 60th Armored Brigades — to Syria. This force took positions in the southern sector, defending the main Amman-Damascus route and attacking Israeli positions along the Kuneitra-Sassa road on October 16. Three Jordanian artillery batteries also participated in the assault, carried out by nearly 100 tanks.
Israel Recovers

Thrown onto the defensive during the first two days of fighting, Israel mobilized its reserves and eventually repulsed the invaders and carried the war deep into Syria and Egypt. The Arab states were swiftly resupplied by sea and air from the Soviet Union, which rejected U.S. efforts to work toward an immediate cease­fire. As a result, the United States belatedly began its own airlift to Israel. Two weeks later, Egypt was saved from a disastrous defeat by the UN Security Council, which had failed to act while the tide was in the Arabs' favor.

The Soviet Union showed no interest in initiating peacemaking efforts while it looked like the Arabs might win. The same was true for UN Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim. (Waldheim's service with a World War II German army unit guilty of war crimes in the Balkans resulted in his being barred from entering the United States after his election as President of Austria).

On October 22, the Security Council adopted Resolution 338 calling for "all parties to the present fighting to cease all firing and terminate all military activity immediately." The vote came on the day that Israeli forces cut off and isolated the Egyptian Third Army and were in a position to destroy it.

Despite the Israel Defense Forces' ultimate success on the battlefield, the war was considered a diplomatic and military failure. A total of 2,688 soldiers were killed and 7,250 were wounded.