Une collection d'histoires sur le peuple élu de Dieu, les Hébreux et la nation qui dominera le monde dans le royaume du Christ. ISRAEL: patrie juive, lumière des Gentils. (historien Valdemir Mota de Menezes)
BDS, Israel Apartheid Week organizers - you are in a very good company. Be asured - you will disappear in the same way while Israel will continue on its 3000 years journey. Shame on BDS and IAW. #BDSFail.
BDS, os organizadores Israel Apartheid semana - você está em uma empresa muito boa. Esteja seguro - você vai desaparecer da mesma forma, enquanto Israel continuará sua jornada 3.000 anos.
Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer believes in the power of Christian support for Israel: "I believe that the Christian community in the United States… can stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel and beat back any attempts to delegitimize, to libel, to malign Israel.” Read Ambassador Dermer’s comments: http://bit.ly/P51nwoPhoto: military.ir
The Hamas “dead baby” strategy - to cause civilian casualties by firing rockets from schools and densely populated areas. It produced understandable outrage of the world. Not understandable was why the outrage was directed against Israel, a real victim of this strategy.